Turtle Information

Turtle Care Guides

What Do Turtles Eat?

Turtles Habitat

Turtle Care Guide

Monday, March 29, 2010

A lot of families with small children do want to keep turtles as pets and if the parents do not know how to take of them, they should quickly learn how.

Caring for them does not have to be a difficult chore. There are turtles guide out there, which you can follow that will ease in your care for your beloved pet. This is one of those said turtle guide.

This guide will teach you how to take care of turtles properly.

Before purchasing a pet turtle,you have to ask yourself if you are ready for the commitment that comes along with caring for this kind of animal. Turtles normally have a pretty long life, so you can expect many happy years with it. Different types of turtles mean different lengths of lifespan, so do your research ahead of time.

Turtle Diet

Turtles are omnivores. This means that they eat a variety of food from small insects to fruits and vegetables. When they are younger or in the wild, these are the types of food they could eat:

* Slugs
* Snails
* Caterpillars
* Grasshoppers
* Crickets
* Beetles
* Earthworms
* Mealworms
* Wax worms

And as they grow older, they could also eat the following fruits to replenish their turtle health when bugs are not enough:

* Apples
* Apricots
* Bananas
* Blackberries
* Blueberries
* Grapes
* Kiwi
* Mangoes
* Melons
* Papayas
* Peaches
* Pears
* Raspberries
* Strawberries

Large fruits should be cut up before they are fed to the turtle. If the fruit is soft, then you can just serve it whole and the turtles will eat it slowly.

Aside from fruits and insects, you can also feed your pet turtle some types of plants.

* Alfalfa
* Broccoli
* Cabbage
* Carrots
* Clover
* Dandelion leaves
* Kale
* Lettuce

Turtle Environment

A turtle's environment is important for turtle care.

Aquatic turtles must have turtle tanks that will allow them to have enough water to survive. They are more prone to diseases because of the water in their tank. So you have to ensure that you keep their tank clean at all times to avoid debilitating sickness.

Land turtles should have tanks that have a bigger floor area because they need the space to roam around. They like to burrow, so provide items in their tank where they can burrow under.

Both types of turtles still need water. If you want to provide the best care for you turtles, you should not use tap water in their tanks because it contains fluoride and chlorine that may harm your turtles. Your best bet is to use mineral or spring water.

Turtle Health

Gaining enough turtle info will help you take care of your pet turtles like an expert.

Your pet could live up to over 25 years with the proper care. Here are some ailments that you should look out for:

* Dehydration
* Ticks, mites and parasites
* Respiratory problems
* Skin lesions

Follow the turtle tips to care for your beloved turtle.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Zoli_P


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2009 ·Pet Turtle Info by TNB